Associate Membership Renewal Overview

The Associate Membership renewal process is as follows:

  • Use the yellow "PayPal Check out" button.
  • Payment is made through PayPal using a PayPal account or a credit/debit card.
  • PayPal sends a Payment Receipt email to the payer's email address.
  • PHSI sends a Membership Renewed email.

Please note:

If the email address used for the renewal is the same as that recorded in the member's profile then -
if the membership is "current" - the membership expiry date is extended by 12 months.
if the membership has "expired" - the membership expiry date is set to 12 months ahead.

If the email address used for the renewal is different to that recorded in the member's profile -
a new membership account with a new membership number is created -
the membership expiry date is set to 12 months ahead.

Go to the Login page to start the Renewal process.