Amy Carmichael’s Lasting Legacy

150th Anniversary Celebration of the birth of Amy Carmichael
Thursday 19 April 2018 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Millisle and Ballycopeland Presbyterian Church

image - Amy CarmichaelAmy Carmichael, one of the world’s best known and inspirational missionaries, was born 150 years ago in Millisle, Co. Down, where she attended Ballycopeland Presbyterian Church with her family.

As a young adult she served the Lord locally, founding a mission in Belfast to the ‘shawlies’ (women in the mills who wore shawls), before devoting her life to missionary service overseas.

Amy spent most of her life in India, where she founded the Dohnavur Fellowship in 1901, an organisation devoted to rescuing girls and young women from slavery

She also wrote numerous books which continue to inspire many in their Christian life and service today.

The evening will include the following short presentations:

The Millisle Years: Rev John Flaherty (Minister, Millisle and Ballycopeland)
The Early Years: Jonathan Clarke (Welcome Church, Belfast)
Dohnavur Then and Now: Alison McCaughan with Jacky Woolcock (former missionary to Dohnavur)
The Challenge Today: Uel Marrs with Ruth Cooke (International Justice Mission)

There will also be a small exhibition, bookstall and refreshments.

Everyone welcome.

Millisle and Ballycopeland Presbyterian Church is located at the end of Masonic Avenue in Millisle, off the main A2 road between Donaghadee and Ballywalter.

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