An Independent People – The Story of Ulster’s Presbyterians – the story retold

A second screening of the BBC's "An Independent People" series is scheduled to start on Thursday 15 August 2013 at 10.35 pm on BBC One NI.

An Independent PeopleAN INDEPENDENT PEOPLE is a major three part television series exploring the rich history of Presbyterians in Ulster.

The series charts Presbyterians’ fascinating and often troubled history uncovering how treir faith was planted and took root here in a story that spans four centuries and three continents.

In Taking Root, the first of these hour-long programmes, presenter William Crawley follows the development of the Presbyterian faith from its Calvinist origins in Geneva to John Knox and the Covenanters in Scotland and then across the narrow sea to Ulster.

The programme unearths how the faith was planted in a time of war, shifting allegiances and divided loyalties which saw Presbyterians often experience prolonged persecution.

See more info from the BBC.