McCrea Magee College Students 1865-1910

This list of McCrea Magee students is taken from ‘A Short History of McCrea Magee College, Derry, during its First Fifty Years’ by J R Leebody.

It was compiled by George Woodburn from the College register, the College calendars, old Class Rolls, the Calendars of the Royal University of Ireland (R.U.I.),  Trinity College Calendars and the minutes of the General Assembly.

The original listing was in chronological order with the names of students who came to the College for the first time during that year.  The name of each student occurs once only irrespective of whether they remained in the College during the whole course of 6 years or stayed for a shorter period.  The names do not include those who attended evening classes only.

Shortly before 1884 the College was affiliated to the Royal University of Ireland and then in 1909 with Trinity College Dublin.

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