Members of the Presbyterian Historical Society of Ireland can search this database for information on over 600 congregations in the Presbyterian Church in Ireland.
The History of Congregations database does not contain details of births/baptisms, marriages and deaths/burials. The Society does not undertake genealogical research.
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About the History of Congregations
The basic unit in the Presbyterian Church in Ireland (PCI) is the congregation. Today within this denomination there are over 500 Presbyterian congregations in Ireland, the great majority of them in Northern Ireland, but with a significant number of congregations in other parts of the island, especially counties Donegal and Monaghan as well as the city of Dublin.
Some of these congregations can trace their origins back to the seventeenth century, while others are of much more recent date.

Originally published in 1982 A History of Congregations in the Presbyterian Church in Ireland remains the standard text for anyone interested in finding out more about the history of individual Presbyterian congregations.
A massive work of over 800 pages, the History of Congregations has been long out of print. It also contained some omissions and errors - inevitable in a book of this scale - and in 1996 a Supplement of additions, emendations and corrections with an index was published in association with the Ulster Historical Foundation.
Rather than republish in traditional form, the Council of the Presbyterian Historical Society of Ireland decided to make the information on each congregation available on the World Wide Web. This is the first stage in a long term project to update the History of Congregations and make available biographical information on Presbyterian ministers.