Second-Hand Books for Sale

We have a number of books and journals that are duplicates or that are not appropriate for the Society's library. Contact the Librarian using the Enquiry Form to check availability and get details about postage costs.

Here are some of the titles on offer and suggested prices (postage will be extra).


The Broken Wing (The author driven out of London by the Blitz, wrote this book in a Methodist Guest house in Llandudno (1954)Horton, Samuel£8.00F

A Brief History of the Inter-Varsity Fellowship of Evangelical Christian Unions (c.1930)Inter-Varsity Fellowship of Evangelical Christian Unions£5.00

Title Author Price
Evangelicals in Ireland (2004) Dunlop, Robert (Editor) £9.00
Jubilee of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, Belfast (1890) Presbyterian Church in Ireland £8.00
Bible Characters - 6 volumes (1899 and 1902) Whyte, Alexander DD £20.00
Annual Reports of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, 1940 (1940) Presbyterian Church in Ireland £8.00
Our Rest- Day: Its Origin, History and Claims with Special Reference to Present Day Needs (1888) Hamilton, Thomas £15.00
Nor Principalities Nor Powers. A History (1621-1991) of 1st Presbyterian Church, Carrickfergus (1991) McCartney, D. J. £8.00
The Fifty Nine Revival (1958) Paisley, Ian R. K. £10.00
Dungannon Baptist Church 100 Years of Witness 1884-1984 (1984) Rodgers G. (Pastor) £5.00
The Torrent - magazine of Donaghmore Historical Society to mark its Silver Jubilee Year 1983-2008 (2008) Contains articles on eg Brown's Soap Works, Growth of Dungannon, Dungannon Royal School, the Ranfurly family, Tyrone Mineral Water etc £8.00
The Ulster Journal of Archaeology Vol 3 Part 4 (July 1897) Contains articles eg on the Estate of the Diocese of Derry, Terrier of the Parish of Seagoe, Two Ulster Heroes in America - President Andrew Jackson and General Sir Edward Pakenham, the High Cross of Downpatrick, Old Session book of Dundonald, Co Down etc £10.00
Farming in Ulster. Historic Photographs of Ulster Farming and Food (1988) Bell, Jonathan and Watson, Mervyn £4.00
The Sixtowns Meeting House 1863-2003. Historical Notes on the United Presbyterian Congregation of Ballynascreen and its continuing legacy at Cavanreagh, Draperstown (2003) Dunlop, Eull £8.00
'Help Thou Mine Unbelief' . Three Broadcast Sermons by the Rev John H Withers (1959) Withers, Rev John H. £7.00
Presbyterian Communion Tokens used in their Churches in Ireland (reprint of Milne's work) (2012) Batchelor, Rev J. £10.00
The Ireland Yearbook 1996 (1996) Anglesea, Martin £3.00
John Girvan - for Christ and HIs Church (2005) Lockington, John W £9.00
A Pictorial History of the 1859 Revival and related Awakenings in Ulster (2008) Barnes, Stanley £10.00
Memoirs of an Irish Manse. Pages from the Life Story of Joseph Corkey (1958) Corkey, William £10.00
William Stavely. Samuel Ferguson's Brief Biographical Sketch and other material on the Ferniskey man (1743-1825) known as the Apostle of the Covenanters (1993) Dunlop, Eull £8.00
James Archer of Kilkenny an Elizabeth Jesuit (1979) Morrissey, Thomas J. £5.00
A History of Ulster (1992) Bardon, Jonathan £10.00
William Stavely. Samuel Ferguson's brief biographical sketch and other material on the Fernisky man (1743-1825) known as the apostle of the Covenanters. (1993) Dunlop, Eull (Compiler) £6.00
Fifty Years on the Grosvenor Road. An Account of the Rise and Progress of the Royal Victoria Hospital Belfast during the Years 1903-1953 (c. 1953) Marshall, Robert £8.00
The Fintona Horse Tram. The Story of a unique Irish Railway Line (1992) Johnston, Norman £5.00
A Pictorial History of the 1859 Revival and Related Awakenings in Ulster (2008) Barnes, Stanley £10.00
Three Hundred Years in God's Orchard. The Story of Loughgall Presbyterian Church within the History of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland (c.2004) Thompson, Joseph £9.00
Brackaville. A Parish of the Church of Ireland (2010) Marsh, Robin £9.00
The Bridge of Life. A Clerical Autobiography (1962) Frazer-Hurst, Rev Dr D. £9.00
Mere Theology. A Guide to the Thought of C S Lewis (2004) Will Vaus £10.00
Do you Remember Sinclair Stevenson (Missionary in India) (1931) Stevenson, Margaret £14.00
Irish Round Towers (1985) Irish Heritage Series 8 £4.00
The Genius of Father Browne. Ireland's Photographic Discovery (1990) O'Donnell, E. E. £10.00
Presbyterian Principles and Political Witness in Ireland. A Report to the General Assembly by the Church and Government Committee (1991) Presbyterian Church in Ireland £1.00
Nonconformity in Worcester (1897) Urwick, William (Rev) £10.00
Gardenmore - A Record of the History and Tradition of Gardenmore Presbyterian Church, Larne (1897) McNeilly, David J and Esler, David (Rev) and Lynas, R V A (Rev) £7.00
Congregational Memoirs of the Old Presbyterian Congregation of Larne and Kilwaughter (1975) McIlwrath, R H and Nelson, J W £8.00
The First Hundred Years... Magheramorne Presbyterian Church 1876-1976 (1976) McConnell, T H £7.00
A Tale of Two Churches. Two Centuries of Methodism at Priesthill 1786-1986 (1986) Law, Isobel £7.00
A Place of Worship. Banbridge Road Presbyterian Church Dromore. A Short History to celebrate the Sesquincentennial of the church (1988) Moore, Hugh R (Rev) £6.00
The Church of Ireland. An Illustrated History (2013) Various authors £20.00
J Ernest Davey (Biography) (1870) Fulton, Austin £15.00
James Seaton Reid. A Centenary Biography (1951) Allen, Robert £15.00
Theology and Literature (1988) Wright, T. R. £8.00
Saint Paul The Man (1978) Grant, Michael £4.00
Abundance of Grace. the Story of Margaret Livingstone (1967) Stewart, I R. Govan £4.00
All for Jesus. The Life of W P Nicholson (1996) Barnes, Stanley £10.00
Limited Monarchy in Great Britain in the Eighteenth Century (Historical Association Pamphlet No 35) (1957) Pares, Richard £5.00
Knock Methodist Church 100 Years 1870-1970 (1969) Connell, Noel £8.00
Don't Fence Me In (1954) Davey, Ray £13.00
Ephesus - A Guide (2003) Gumus, Dogan £5.00
A Light for the Road. Ballygilbert Presbyterian Church 1841-1991 (1991) McConaghy, John W. and Eleanor M. £9.00
History of the University of Dublin (1845) Taylor, W B S £50.00
The Autobiography and Diary of Samuel Davidson (1899) Davidson, Anne Jane (editor) £30.00
The Northern Banking Co Ltd Centenary Volume 1824-1924. An Historical Sketch Commemorating a Century of Banking in Ireland by the First Joint-Stock Bank Established in that Country (1925) Hill, Edwin Darley (at his request and authority) £50.00
The Centenary Book of the Church of Ireland Training College 1811-1911 (1911) Church of Ireland £40.00
Testimony of the Reformed Presbyterian Church in Ireland. Part 1 Historical (1875) Reformed Presbyterian Church £20.00
Up-With People. Christian Aid Around the World (1979) McCreary, Alf £3.00
Protestantism in Ireland. Course of Lectures No 1 Ireland for Christ (1874) Kirkpatrick, William B. (Rev) £20.00
A Century of Excavation in Palestine (1925) Macalister, R. A. S. £15.00
Fossicker's Fare. Rakings and Recollections. (1946) Blue, A. Wylie £15.00
Introducing Our Church (Presbyterian) (1989) Cobain, R. (Rev) £400
Early Christian Art in Ireland (National Museum of Science and Art, Dublin - Handbook and Guide to Irish Antiquities Collections) (1911) Stokes, Margaret (Revised by Plunkett, Count G N) £15.00
Realities of Irish Life (pages slightly loose) (1868) Trench, W Steuart £20.00
Catechisms of the Second Reformation (1886) Mitchell, Alexander F. £20.00
The Ancestry of Randall Thomas Davidson, Archbishop of Canterbury (1903) Philip, Adam (Rev) £10.00
Corrymeela - The Search for Peace (1975) McCreary, Alf £5.00
The Irish Church Directory Year-Book for 1920 (1920) Church of Ireland £8.00
The Constitution of the Church of Ireland 1909 (1909) Latham, J. K. (The Ven) and Meredith, James Creed (Sir) editors £15.00
The McCrea Magee College Calendar 1930-31 (1930) Magee College £8.00
Realities of Irish Life. New Edition (1868) Trench, W Steuart £20.00
A History of Irish Presbyterians (2nd Edition) (1902) Latimer, William Thomas £40.00
The Isle of Man Steam Railway (1993 revised) Kniveton, Gordon N. £5.00
Revolt from the Church (1980) Gillies, Donald £7.00
Stormont in Crisis - A Memoir (1994) Bloomfield, Ken £15.00
Report of the Proceedings of the First General Presbyterian Council convened at Edinburgh July 1877 (1877) Thomson, J (Rev) Editor £40.00
Some Account of the Lives and Religious Labours of Samuel Neale and Mary Neale (Society of Friends) (1845) Neale, Samuel £20.00
Constitution and Government of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland with a Directory for the Administration of Ordinances (spine damaged] (1887) General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland £15.00
The Ruling Elder. His Place and Work and Hope and his relation to the Synagogue (1892) [No author named] £15.00
The Genius of Protestantism. A Book for the Times. (1900) Edgar, R. Mc Cheyne (Rev) £20.00
Memoir of John Edgar, Professor of Systematic Theology for the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland (1867) Killen, W. D. £25.00
Praying and Working (New edition) (1886) Stevenson, William Fleming (Rev) £20.00
Memoir of the Rev George Vance of the Irish Methodist Conference (1901) Allen, Samuel (Rev) £20.00
Proceedings of the Union Assembly held at Edinburgh October 1929 (1929) Reith, George M (Rev) editor £10.00
Take Away This Hate (c.1980) Davey, Ray £7.00
Dunfanaghy's Presbyterian Congregation And its Times (1978) MacArthur, C.W.P. £12.00
Some Account of the Life of Joseph Pike of Cork written by himself, also a Journal of the Life and Gospel of Joseph Oxley of Norwich (1837) Barclay (Preliminary Observations by) £50.00
The Developments of Roman Catholicism (1908) Bain, John A. £15.00
Centenary Book of the First Presbyterian Church, Portadown 1822-1922 (1922) Clow, William M. £15.00
A Short History of the Presbyterian Churches of Ballymoney (1898) Dill,A. H. (Rev), Armour, James B.(Rev), Boyle, D. D. (Rev), Ramsay, John (Rev) £15.00
New Light at the Cape of Good Hope. William Porter: The Father of Cape Liberalism (1993) McCracken, J. L. £10.00
Fond Memory. A History of the Boy's Auxiliary of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland (c.1980) Mills, Herbert £10.00
Christmas and the New Year in the Days of Yore (19th century) McCahan, Robert £8.00
The Origins of Presbyterianism in Belfast - a lecture delivered at the opening of the Presbyterian College, Belfast(Small pamphlet) (1950) Pearson, A F Scott (Rev Professor) £5.00
Act of Union Bicentenary 1801-2001 Exhibition Catalogue - Exhibition at the Ulster Museum in 2001 (2001) Lammey, David and Huddleston, David £10.00
A Day in Thy Courts. The Story of Newtownbreda Presbyterian Church 1842-1992 (1992) Ross, Ronald £10.00
Handbook to the Church Hymnary. 3rd Edition (1979) Barkley, John (editor) £15.00
Freedom from Fear. churches Together in northern Ireland. The Proceedings of a Conference organised by the Churches' Central Committee for Community Work (1990) Lee, Simon (editor) £13.00
Crieff Hydro 1868-2000 (2000) Christie, Guy £10.00
Challenge & Conflict. Essays in Irish Presbyterian History and Doctrine, including the Subscription controversies (1981) Various contributors including Rev Prof Haire, Rev Dr A W Godfrey Brown, Rev Principal John N Barkley and Rev Prof R F G Holmes £15.00
Third Rathfriland Presbyterian Congregation (1924) Kilpatrick T (Rev) £10.00
First Presbyterian Church Killyleagh; Henry Cooke Minister of Killyleagh Presbyterian Church 1818-1829 (1968) Harper, James £7.00
1623-1973 350th Anniversary of First Bangor Presbyterian Church (1973) Wilson, William £10.00
Our Past Years. Fisherwick 1823-1973 (1973) Withers, John £10.00
The Presbyterian Church in Ireland. A Popular History (2000) Holmes, Finlay £15.00
The Dill Worthies. A Centenary Reprint for the 350th Anniversary of the first Presbytery in Ulster, of the 2nd edition of J R Dill's story of a 'Levitical Family' (1992 - Original 1892) Dill, Rev James Reid £8.00
History of Elmwood Presbyterian Church (Belfast) with Biographical Sketches of Its Pastors and Founders 1859-1899 (1900) Dewar, James (editor) £50.00
Prayers for the Sanctuary (New Edition) (c.1900) £3.00
For Young Communicants and Christian Beginners issued by the Tract and Colportage Society of Scotland (1891) Robertson, James £5.00
A Diary of Private Prayer. Service Edition (1939)
Armagh, Ancient Cathedral City. Visitor Guide (c.2000) Armagh City and District Council £1.00
The Text of the Greek Bible (1949 New Edition) Kenyon, Frederick £8.00
Conscience and Christ (1933 Fifth Impression) Rashdall, Hastings £8.00
An Introduction to the Study of Some Living Religions of the East (1933 Fifth Impression) Cave, Sydney £8.00
Christianity and Some Living Religions of the East (1929) Cave, Sydney £8.00
Bulletin of the Presbyterian Historical Society of Ireland Bulletin Vol 2 Jan 1972, vol 16 Mar 1987, Vol 23 1994, vol 24 1995, vol 25 1998, vol 26 (For details of articles see website of the Society (1994 - 1998) Presbyterian Historical Society of Ireland £3.00 each
The Fulness of Christ and Other Sermons by the Rev William Rogers (1912) Rogers, William (Rev) £15.00
The Church at the Square. A History of Great Victoria Street Presbyterian Church Belfast 1858-2001 (2001) Rodgers, Arthur £10.00
A History of Congregations in the Presbyterian Church in Ireland 1610-1982 (Good clean copy) (1982) Presbyterian Historical Society of Ireland £40.00
The Shorter Catechism (c. 1960) Sabbath School Society for Ireland £1.00
The Epistle to the Romans (c.1950) Barclay, William (Rev) £3.00
The Shorter Catechism - What it Means. Explanatory Notes for Ministers and Sunday School Teachers (1994) Haire, James LM and Thompson, John £10.00
Biblical Museum: A Collection of Notes, Explanatory, Homiletic and Illustrative on the Holy Scriptures. Vol 4 containing the Epistles 1 Corinthians to Philemon (front and back boards are loose) (1872) Gray, James Comper £10.00
Ireland in the New Century (1905) Plunkett, Horace £20.00
The Sash Canada Wore. A historical Geography of the Orange Order in Canada (1980) Houston, Cecil J. and Smyth, William J. £12.00
A Sword Bathed in Heaven. The Life, Faith and Cruel Death of Robert Bradford, MP (1984) Bradford, Norah £5.00
Lord Edward. Second Impression (c.1900) Longford, Christine £20.00
Map of the Great Western Railway showing cathedrals, castles and abbeys (ND) W & A K Johnston Ltd, Edinburgh and London £5.00
An Unfinished Journey. An Anniversary Anthology of the Corrymeela Community 1965-86 (1986) Davey, Ray £13.00
Wylie Blue. the Life of Rev A Wylie Blue. (1957) Frazer-Hurst, Rev Dr D. £15.00
Tom, Ned and Kitty. An Intimate Portrait of an Irish Family. (The Pakenhams) (2007) Pakenham, Eliza £11.00
Soldier, Sailor. An Intimate Portrait of an Irish Family. (The Pakenhams) (2007) Pakenham, Eliza £18.00
Out of Bondage. Christ and the Indian Village (c.1940) Neill, Stephen £10.00
Proverbs and Sayings of Ireland (1978) Gaffney, Sean and Cashman, Seamus £7.00
A First Century Message to Twentieth Century Christians (1902) Morgan, G Campbell £9.00
Causes of World Poverty./ A Report to the General Assembly by the Inter-Church Relations Board (1993) Presbyterian Church in Ireland £3.00
Some Trends in Modern Society. A Report to the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland by the Committee on National and international Problems (1989) Presbyterian Church in Ireland £3.00
James Montgomery. Great Men of the Church. No 10 (c.1950) Anonymous £3.00
Moravian History Magazine- James Montgomery Issue (1994) Cooper, J and E (editors) £7.00
Ulster Settlers in America (3rd edition) (1976) Cromie, Howard £10.00
Down Cathedral. A Guide (1993) Down Cathedral £3.00
All things New. The Call to the Ministry of Reconciliation (1985) Ellis, Ian M. £4.00
Parish of Donaghcloney. 'Something to Celebrate' 1681-1981 (1981) Cooper, S. J. W. £5.00
The Parishes of Craigs, Dunaghy and Killagan, Diocese of Connor. Addresses by Hugh Alexander Boyd, 1949-90, collected for a 'sesquicentenary' visit to Craigs Parish Church (1991) Dunlop, Eull (editor) for Mid Antrim Historical Group £5.00
Ecclesia De Drum. Recollections of the Parish of Drumbeg, Diocese of Down (c.1995) Neill, Matthew £15.00
Saint Patrick's Church 1868-1958, Diocese of Connor, Parish of Jordanstown (1958) McCappin. W. J. £8.00
The Noble Women at the Staircase Window in the Lady Chapel of the Liverpool Cathedral (1915) McNeill, William (Rev) £5.00
The Noble Women at the Atrium Window in the Lady Chapel of the Liverpool Cathedral (c.1915) McNeill, William (Rev) £5.00
Is Infant Baptism Scriptural? (3rd edition revised and enlarged) (1929) Hall, Thomas S.(Incumbent of Upper Falls Parish, Belfast £5.00
Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland October 1937 and June 1938 (1938) Presbyterian Church in Ireland £15.00
Cistercian life (1974) Merton, Thomas £3.00
All in a Day's Work. Experiences in the Pastoral and Healing Ministry (1997) McComb, Andrew P. £9.00
Belfast's Bleak House. Faith Behind Bars in the Crumlin Road Jail (1985) Jardine, David £6.00
Across the Water. (Story of a Baptist minister) (c.1990) Stevenson, A. H. Duff (Rev) £5.00
St Patrick's Cathedral Dublin. A small booklet. (1982) Jackson, Victor £2.00
Irish Presbyterianism 1642-1992 (1994) Holmes, Principal R.F.G. £3.00
These Seventy Years. (The story of Gospel Halls in Belfast) (1954) Gilmore, William £12.00
Recollections of My life and Times . An Autobiography by the Rev James Morgan, late minister of Fisherwick Place Church Belfast (1994) Morgan, James (Rev) £20.00
Missel-Vesperal Quotidien (1950) Berges, Le R. P. £10.00
Rise and Fall of the Irish Franciscan Monasteries and Memoirs of the Irish Hierarchy in the Seventeenth Century (1869) Meehan, C. P. (Rev) £15.00
Kilkenny An Urban History, 1391-1843 (1989) Neely, W. G. £17.00
Missel Romain Contenant Les Offices des Dimanches (Limoges) (1920) Depelley J. (Editor) £15.00
Missel Dominical De L'Assemblee (1973) Saint-Andre/Hautecombe/Clervaux £20.00
Memoirs of an Unrepentant Liberal (2001) McConnell, G. B. G. £10.00
Reminiscences of a Long Life (1901) Killen, W. D. £16.00
Newmills Congregation 1796-1947. Historical Sketch.> (1948) Nimmons, RevJoseph £8.00
International Conference on the Education of the Deaf (1925) International Conference on the Education of the Deaf £10.00
Dictionary of Ulster Biography (1993) Newmann, Kate £15.00
A Short History of Puritanism - A Handbook for Guilds and Bible Classes (1908) Heron, James £15.00
The Pronouncing Dictionary of Mythology and Antiquities (c.1920) Anonymous £10.00
Harvest Home - The last Sheaf. A selection from the Writings of T G F Patterson (1975) Evans E Estyn (Editor) £25.00
Peacemaker. The Life and Work of Eric Gallagher (2005) Cooke, Dennis £15.00
Henry Cooke (1981) Holmes, Finlay £15.00
A History of Gracehill Moravian Settlement (1996) White, Rosalie £3.00
Memories of J. W. Carey 1859-1937, Artist and Illustrator (c. 2000) Greeves, Molly £3.00
Christmas Candles - Moravian History Magazine No 13, 2005; 18th and 19th Century Personalities - Moravian History Magazine No 20, 2001; Moravian History Magazine No 26, 2005; Moravian History Magazine No 12, 1997; Schools and Scholars - Moravian History Magazine No 17; Count N L Von Zinzendorf 1700- 1760 - Moravian Magazine no 18 Moravian Magazine £1.00 each
Life and Letters of William Fleming Stevenson (New Edition) (Binding slightly damaged) (1890) Stevenson, E. M. £25.00
David Corkey A Life Story of Work in Slums, in a Country parish and on the Battlefield (c.1925) Corkey, Ethel £20.00
The Worship of the Reformed Church (1966) Barkley, John M. (edited by J. G. Davies and A. Raymond George), Ecumenical Studies in Worship No 15 £11.00
Prelatico-Presbyterianism: Curious Chapters in the Recent History of the Irish Presbyterian Church (1856) Dill, Richard (Rev) £40.00
Arnold Frank of Hamburg (c.1970) Allen, Robert £15.00
Completed Poems of a Parachute Padre (1952) Johnston, J. W. (Rev) £15.00
Introducing the World Council of Churches (1990) VanElderen, Marlin £8.00
Belfast Trolleybuses (2010) Harvey, David £15.00
The Seceders in Ireland with Annals of Their Congregations (1950) Stewart, Rev David £50.00
Moments Remembered (1996) McComb, Andrew (Rev) £9.00
McIlmoyle of Dervock, Pastor of Two Flocks (Reformed Presbyterian Minister of Ballyclare) (1991) Hanna, Robert (Editor Eull Dunlop) - Mid-Antrim Historical Group £10.00
Christ's Folk in the Apennine - Reminiscences of Her Friends among the Tuscan Peasantry (1887) Alexander, Francesca (edited by John Ruskin) £20.00
Saint Patrick's City. The Story of Armagh (2001) McCreary, Alf £15.00
Behind Every Great Man (Robin and Coralie Kinahan) (1961) Kinahan, Coralie £10.00
Blackmouth & Dissenter (1991) Barkley, John M. £13.00
An Arrow into the Air. Sermons and Addresses broadcast by Rev John H Withers, minister of Fisherwick Presbyterian Church (1955) Withers, John H. (Signed by Rev Withers) £10.00
Heal not Lightly (2006) Smith, Harry £9.00
Letters of John Calvin Selected from the Bonnet Edition with an Introductory Biographical Sketch Bonnet £5.00
The Covenanters in Ireland (1984) Loughridge, Adam £15.00
Life of Sir William Wallace of Elderslie Carrick, John D £10.00
Once Upon the Lagan. The Story of the Lagan Canal Blair, Mary £8.00
Milestones of history. 2. The Fires of Faith. Readers Digest (1973) £8.00
Presbyterians and the Irish Language (1996 edition) Blaney, Roger £10.00
Belfast. The Origin and Growth of an Industrial City (1967) Beckett, J. C. and Glasscock R. E. (Editors) £10.00
Sentry Hill. An Ulster Farm and Family Walker, Brian M. £12.00
The Presbytery of Coleraine (1979) Mullin, Julia E. £10.00
The Presbytery of Route. Tercentenary Book 1657-1957 Waddell, Harry C. (Rev) £20.00
Heath, Hearth and Heart. The Story of Dunboe and the Meeting House at Articlave McCaughan, Alison £10.00
Methodist College Belfast 1868-1938. A Survey and Retrospect. Vols 1-2. (includes Presbyterians) Henderson, J. W. £20.00
In Search of Water being A History of the Belfast Water Supply Loudan, Jack £15.00
History of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland Vols 1-3(loose spine on vol 3) Reid, James Seaton £30.00
A Memorial Sketch of Townsend Street Presbyterian Street Presbyterian Church, Belfast (1880) Johnston, William (Rev) £20.00
His Reverence Listens Again McNeill, W. (Rev) £10.00
John Waddell (Rev John Waddell was minister of 1st Bangor and Fisherwick, Belfast) Waddell, Harry C. £15.00
A History of Second Donegore Presbyterian Church To Celebrate the Centenary of Our Building dedicated 14 June 1908 (2008) Gawn, William A. £15.00
Expressions of Faith. Ulster's Church Heritage(2001) Oram, Richard £8.00
Ninety-Eight and Sixty Years After James, Andrew (Re-printed in the bicentenary year of 1998 by Mid- Antrim Historical Group: 39) £8.00
Orangeism Around Ballymena
Part One. Articles on Warrants 115 to 515 in Ballymena District Loyal Orange Lodge No 8
Brown, John (reprinted for the tercentenary of the Battle of the Boyne by Mid-Antrim Historical Group 1990) £8.00
Blackmouth and Dissenter Barkley, John M. £13.00
History of the Irish Presbyterian Church (Edinburgh, Special Edition 1887) Hamilton, T £10.00
1623-1973: 350th Anniversary of First Bangor Presbyterian Church (1973) Wilson, William £8.00
Abundant & Abounding - the pattern of God's Grace in one man's life (Lisburn, 2001) Buick, Jackson C £10.00
The History of Great George's Street and Macrory Memorial Presbyterian Church, Belfast(1986) Heaney, Norman £7.00
New Row: The History of New Row Presbyterian Church Coleraine 1727-1977 (1976) Mullin, Julia E £10.00
Knock Presbyterian Church 1872-1972 (1972) Browne, Nelson £8.00
The Church on the Hill: A Short History of First Dromore Presbyterian Church 1660-1981 (Banbridge, 1982) £8.00
Handbook to the Church Hymnary (London 1927) Moffatt, James (Rev Professor), edited by £15.00
Magee 1865-1965 (1965) Holmes, R. F. G. £10.00
The Great Church of the Roe (1982) Donnelly, Philip £8.00
Presbyterianism in Dungiven 1835-1986 (1987) Thompson, Norman and Young, Lily £8.00
The Free Church of Scotland Appeals 1903-4. United Free Church Authorised Report (1904) Orr, Robert Low (editor) £15.00
A Short History of First Newry Presbyterian Church 1828-1878 (Sandys Street) (1978) McIlwrath, David S. £8.00
Biographical Notices of Members of the Society of Friends who were resident in Ireland (1823) Leadbeater, Mary £30.00
The Free Church of Scotland Appeals 1903-4 (1904) Orr, Robert Low (Editor) £20.00
The Presbyterian Church in Ireland. First Ballymoney Bicentenary of Church Building 1777-1977 (1977) Blair, S. Alexander £8.00
The Ulster Revival of 1859. A Doctoral Thesis by Alfred Russell Scott. Reprint by mid-Antrim Historical Group (No 22) (1994) Dunlop, Eul (Editor) £10.00
350th Anniversary of First Bangor Presbyterian Church 1623-1973 (2003) Burns, William £8.00
Ravenhill Presbyterian Church 1898-1998 Centenary History (1998) Jess, Ivan T. £8.00
God's River in Spate (hardback version) (1958) Carson, John T. £4.00
Mission Completed. T. S. Mooney of Londonderry 1907-86 (1986) Various contributors £4.00
The Story of Mary McCracken's Church - McCracken Memorial Presbyterian Church 1934-1994 (1994) Courtney, Anne and Brian £8.00
Great is Thy Faithfulness. The Story of Woodvale Presbyterian Church 1895-1995 (1995) Wilson, Elwyn J. £8.00
Ballyclare Presbyterian Church. A Story of 125 Years (1981) Grange, R. T. £8.00
Sir Robert Hart 1835-1911 (2003) Queen's University Belfast £4.00
Presbyterianism in Belfast (1912) McConnell. J. (Rev) £20.00
Armour's Meeting House 1885-1985, The First Hundred Years (Trinity Ballymoney History) (1985) Snodgrass, Leo £6.00
Through the Years in a City Centre Congregation 1929-1987, May Street Presbyterian Church Belfast (1988) Torney, Catherine R. £6.00
Reprint by Mid- Antrim Historical Group of 'The Ulster Revival of 1859. Enthusiasm Emanating from Mid-Antrim'. A Doctoral Thesis. (1962) Scott, Alfred Russell £10.00
Couriers of the Dawn. The Story of the Missionary Pioneers of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland (1938) Boyd, R. H. £15.00
May Street Presbyterian Church Centenary. A History of the Congregation (1929) Williamson, John £10.00
St Enoch's Congregation 1872-1972. An Account of Presbyterianism in Belfast through the Life of a Congregation. (1972) Barkley, John M. £12.00
History of Congregations of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland and Biographical Notices of Eminent Presbyterian Ministers and Laymen with Introduction and Notes by the Rev W D Killen (1886) Killen, W. D. £20.00
The Presbyterian Orphan Society 1866-1966 (1966) Barkley, John M. £8.00
More Joe's Jokes; A Minister's Mirth; Over 300 Tall Tales, Humorous Stories and Irish Jokes Vol 2 (c.1983) Mooney, Joseph B. £4.00
Armagh Road Presbyterian Church Portadown, 1868-2009 (2009) Gilmour, Mervyn D. £7.00
The Autobiography of Thomas Witherow 1824-1890. Edited for the centenary of the author's death (Ballinascreen Historical Society, 1990) (Pittsburgh 1973) Mawhinney, Graham and Dunlop, Eull £8.00
The Union of Synods in the context of Mid-Antrim. A Sesquicentenary account of the formation in 1840 of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, illustrated with documents of local religious history (front cover is slightly stained) (1990) Holmes, Finlay and Dunlop, Eull £2.00
Non-Subscribing Presbyterian Church of Ireland. The Constitution and Code of Discipline (Carrickfergus 1997) Published by Authority of Synod £2.00
Historical and Literary Memorials of Presbyterianism in Ireland, 2nd Series (1880) (slight damage to spine) Witherow, Thomas £25.00
Historical and Literary Memorials of Presbyterianism in Ireland 2nd series (London and Belfast 1880) Witherow, Thomas £40.00
The Church That Was Twice Born: A History of the First Presbyterian Church of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1773-1973 (Pittsburgh 1973) Logan, Ernest Edwin £20.00
A First Communion Manual (Edinburgh 1945) Hill, Ninian £5.00
Presbyterianism Barkley, Rev John M. £4.00
Thomas Alexander Smyth. A Memoir (Belfast 1939) Smyth, T. A. B. £8.00
God's River in Spate with new Introduction by R. F. G. Holmes (Belfast 1958) [3 pages have text highlighted] Carson, John T., Belfast) £3.00
Glad Did I Live - Memoirs of a Long Life Corkey, William £20.00
Memories and Musings of a Moderator Moody, A. F. £15.00
Your Church is On Fire - the Story of Ravenhill Presbyterian Church, Belfast (c.1972) Thompson, Joseph £8.00
Mary Slessor (Livingstone Press, 3rd Edition) McEvoy, Cuthbert £5.00
Arthur Mee's Book of Everlasting Things Mee, Arthur (editor of the Children's Encyclopedia) £5.00
A Commentary on the Confession of Faith with Questions for Theological Students and Bible Classes (London 1870) Rev A A Hodge edited by W H Goold £15.00
Gleanings from Glenavy Parish Totten, Jean £4.00
Up-With People - Christian Aid Around the World (1979) McCreary, Alf £3.00
Report of Jublilee of the Sabbath School Society for Ireland: Sabbath School Convention, Assembly Hall, Church House, Belfast 7 May 1912 Sabbath School Society £10.00
First Lisburn Presbyterian Church 1688-1988 (1988) Richer, William (Compiler) £6.00
Wesleyan Methodist Magazine (June - Dec 1837) Jan - May pages have been torn out Magazine £8.00
Series of pamphlets produced by the Religious Tract Society, New Biographical Series - on Polycarp of Smyrna (No 93) Religious Tract Society £5.00 each
The Weekly Visitor 1835, The Visitor or Monthly Instructor 1836, 1837 and 1847 (1835-37 and 1847) [Spines of 2 volumes are damaged] A Magazine - 4 volumes £8.00
Manual of Romish Controversy: Being a Complte Refutation of the Creed of Pope of Pius IV (c 1910) Blakeney, R P (Rev) £3.00
Ebb and Flow - Essays in church history in honour of R Finlay G Holmes. Articles on, for example, Henry Cooke, the influence of D L Moody on Irish Presbyterianism, Students at Glasgow University 1747-68 (2002) Various contributors £6.00
History of the Irish Presbyterian Church (1887) Hamilton, Rev T £7.00
Sermons by Ephraim Peabody, Minister of King's Chapel, Boston, with a Memoir (1857) Very fine binding Peabody, Ephraim £50.00
Religion (The Home University Library of Modern Knowledge) (1948) Micklem, Nathaniel £2.00
A Theological Introduction to the Thirty-Nine Articles of the Church of England (1950) Bicknell, E J with additional reference by the Rev Canon H J Carpenter £6.00
A History of Ireland(1964) Curtis, Edmund £3.00
The Infallibility of the Church - A Course of Lectures delivered in the Divinity School of the University of Dublin (1890) (Spine slightly damaged) Salmon, George (Provost of Trinity College, Dublin) £15.00
An Encyclopaedia of Religions (1921) Canny, Michael, A. £5.00
Notes, Explanatory and Practical on the New Testament.Vol 6 - 2 Corinthians and Galations (1852) Barnes, Albert £6.00
Waterside, 1866-1966. A Centenary History of Waterside Presbyterian Church, Londonderry (1967) Henderson, R. M. £6.00
Presbyterianism (1951) Barkley, Rev John M £5.00
The Trial of Jesus of Nazareth (1968) Brandon, S. G. F. £6.00
Cloughwater Presbyterian Church. 150th Anniversary History 1840-1990 (1990) Witherspoon, Annabel £8.00
Quiet talks on Personal Problems - sin, doubt, ambition, self-mastery, guidance, the church and questioned things (1907) Gordon, S. D. £3.00
Reasonable Service. A Study in Christian Conduct (IVF publication) (1948) Bromley, G. W. £3.00
The Romeward Trend in Irish Presbyterianism? (1968) Barkley, John M. £6.00
The Life of John Wesley (1960) Telford, John £7.00
The Presbyterian College Belfast 1853-1953 (1954) Allen, Robert £40.00
The Story of the Central Presbyterian Association, Belfast, 1882-1932 (1932) Johnston, Robert £15.00
Presbyterianism in Lisburn from the Seventeenth Century: First Lisburn Presbyterian Church (1960) Craig, W. I. £25.00
Through the Years in a City Centre Congregation 1929-1987: May Street Presbyterian Church, Belfast (1988) Torney, Catherine R. £5.00
Historical Sketch of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland (Ascona Series 13) (1994 reprint; original edition 1858) Witherow, Thomas Maghera £5.00
In the Days of the Laggan Presbytery (Belfast 1908) Lecky, Rev Alexander £20.00
The Prevailing Word - the development of the Presbyterian mission stations in India (Belfast Foreign Mission Office 1953) Boyd, R H £15.00
Irish Unionism 1885-1923: A Documentary History (Belfast 1973) Buckland, Patrick £10.00
First Lisburn Presbyterian Church 1688-1988 (1988) Richer, William £7.00
Our Rest-Day: Its Origin, History, and Claims with Special Reference to Present-Day Needs (Edinburgh 1886) Hamilton, Rev Thomas, Belfast £20.00
Frazer of Tain (The Rev Alexander Frazer) (Glasgow 1966) Carson, John T £6.00
'In the Red' - a series of Sermons by the minister of Fisherwick Presbyterian Church, Belfast (1968) Withers, John H. £5.00
Robert Henderson. The Story of a Missionary Greatheart in India (London 1922)
Mr Henderson whose family came from near Randalstown, Co Antrim, served as a missionary of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland.
Stevenson, Rev J Sinclair £20.00
Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi - The Post Exilian Prophets (Edinburgh (1986) Marcus Dods D.D. (Principal, New College, Edinburgh) £2.00
Ways to Wealth. The Cust Family of Eighteenth Century Armagh (Belfast 1985) Clarkson, L. A. and Crawford, E. M. £4.00
The Dowry of the Past. The Story of Berry Street Presbyterian Church, Belfast (1969) Combe, Mr H T £6.00
Systematic Theology in 8 volumes (1948) Lewis Sperry Chafer £30.00
Favourite Psalms (1988) Stott, John £5.00
A Theological Introduction to the Thirty Nine Articles of the Church of England Bicknell, E J £6.00
Robert Henderson. The Story of a Missionary Greatheart in India. Stevenson, Rev J Sinclair £15.00
Into All the World: A History of the Overseas Work of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland 1840-1990 Thompson, Jack, Editor £5.00
Notes on the New Testament: Explanatory and Practical with Questions for Bible Classes and Sunday Schools Vols 1-11 (c. 1868) Barnes, Albert £30.00
A Short History of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland Barkley, Prof John M £15.00
May Street Presbyterian Church Centenary : a History of the Congregation Williamson, John £20.00
Milton's L'Allegro and Il Penseroso illustrated with etchings on steel (London, 1860) (Pages are loose) Foster, Birket £100.00
The Heartburnings of a Moderator Carson, John T £2.00
Voices from the Past - History of the English Conference of the Presbyterian Church of Wales 1889-1938 Buick Knox £1.00
Presbyterianism in Belfast (1912) M'Connell, Rev J £40.00
The Chemistry of the Sun (1887) Lockyer, J Norman £20.00
Old Testament History (The Century Bible Handbooks(1909) Bennett, Prof W H £1.00
The Union of Synods in the context of Mid-Antrim Holmes, Finlay and Dunlop, Eull £3.00
God's River in Spate: the story of the 1859 revival (slighty damaged) Carson, John T £2.00
A Memoir of the Reverend Charles Davey of Belfast (Minister of St Enoch's and Fisherwick) Davey, J Ernest £20.00
Romanism and Evangelical Christianity: A Study of Origins and Development Paul, Francis J, late Professor of Church History and Principal of Presbyterian College, Belfast. £5.00
History and Principles of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland Stewart, Rev David £10.00
Memorials of the Life of John Gregg Bishop of Cork, Cloyne and Ross(1879) Gregg, Robert Samuel £15.00
Pardon and Assurance Patton,Rev William J £20.00
The Sabbath School Society for Ireland 1862-1962 (1961) Barkley, John M £15.00
Presbyterianism on Its Trial (1927) Edgar, Rev James £30.00
Record of the Trial of the Rev Prof J. E. Davey by the Belfast Presbytery (1927) Belfast Presbytery £30.00
Record of the Trial of the Rev Prof J. E. Davey by the Belfast Presbytery And of Appeals by the General Asssembly, 1927 (1927) General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland £30.00
Andrew Weir of Manchuria Weir, Margaret £10.00
History of 2nd Comber Presbyterian Church 1838-1990 £10.00
Heralds of God - Stories of Hebrew Prophets (1949) Davies, J B Thomson £5.00
Presbyterian Church in Ireland – Directory 2005, 2006, 2007 £5.00 each
Keeping the Flame Burning – A Reflection on 50 Years of the Presbyterian Residential Trust 1949-1999 McCaughey, William £5.00
Over the Hill - Ecumenism in the Irish Presbyterian Church with a Foreword by the Very Rev Dr R F G Holmes (1997) Patterson, Carlisle £1.00
The Code of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, 1887, 1912, 1940,1962, 1963 £5.00 each
Venite Adoremus – World's Student Christian Federation Prayer Book £10.00
A Life of Jesus Christ (1981) Turrall-Clarke, Robert £2.00
A General Study of Waringstown Clendinning, Kieran £5.00
Expositions of Holy Scripture - commentary on Matthew chapters 1 -8 (1905) Maclaren, Alexander £10.00
William Barclay Commentaries – Acts, John, Letters of John and Jude, Luke Barclay, William £1.00 each
Revival on the Causeway Coast Railton, Nicholas £10.00
The Year of Grace. A History of the Ulster Revival of 18591909 Gibson, William (Rev) £15.00
The Soldier's Armoury 1973 - Bible Readings £0.50
Alexander Vinet - His Life and Work Rambert, Eugene £10.00
The Life of John Wesley (1960 reprint) Telford, John £6.00
Episode in the History of Protestant Ulster 1923-47 Corkey, William £15.00
1840-1940 Centenary – The Story of a Hundred Years of the Irish Presbyterian Church Davey, Rev Professor & J Ernest
Baptists and Reformed in Dialogue – No 4 in Studies from the World Alliance of Reformed Churches
Joys, Jobs and Jaunts - Memoirs of Sir Martin Roseveare (Father of Dr Helen Roseveare) 1984 Roseveare, Martin £7.00
Living Where the River Flows - A tribute to the Rev Dr John Talbot Carson Various contributors £5.00
What shall We Say of Christ (1932) explores the New Testament approach to the significance of Christ Cave, Sydney £2.00
Modern Evangelism MacDonald, William £2.00
The Story of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland Anderson, A C £5.00
The Story of the Central Presbyterian Association, Belfast Johnston, Robert £5.00
How we got our Bible; An answer to Questions suggested by the late revision (6th Edition) Smyth, J Patterson £4.00