

The "Eagle Wing" 1636 - the "Irish Mayflower"
The Act of Union 1840 - the Presbyterian Church in Ireland
Magee College - Marking its 150 Years
The Collegiad or Will of Widow Magee
World War 1 - Remembering Them


Commander Francis Anderson Calder - Animal Welfare Supporter and Anti-Slavery Campaigner
Anne Crawford Acheson - Sculptor and Inventor of plaster of Paris limb splints
Lydia Mary Foster - Novelist
Rev Thomas Hamilton - Presbyterian Minister and University Administrator
Rev Dr John Kinnear MP - MP for Donegal
Rev James Law and Ballywillan Presbyterian Church - the connection with Andrew Bonar Law, Prime Minister
Dr George Mahony - a Cork Presbyterian, and the 1916 Rising
Annie Maunder - Pioneering Astronomer
William McComb - Teacher, Poet and Bookseller
Rev Alexander McCracken of Lisburn - Stalwart opponent of the Abjuration Oath
William Frederick McFadzean VC - Gave his life for his comrades
Dr Ida Deane Mitchell - Medical Missionary in Fakumen, Manchuria, China
Robert Morrow VC - A man absolutely devoid of fear
Isabella Tod - Ulster's Forgotten Radical
Rev James Whigham - Creator of the Presbyterian Map of Ireland
Brief Biographies of Irish Presbyterians - from PHSI 8th Annual Report 1914-15


The Burning Bush - the background story of the emblem
The Central Presbyterian Association
Early Belfast Bibles
- J W Kernohan
Emigration to America - Presbyterians from Parishes in Co Londonderry
The Five Articles of Perth 1618
From College to Parliament
M'Crea Magee College and the Great War - about the War Memorial Tablet
PCI Foreign Mission in India -  a leaflet for the Centenary Thanksgiving Fund 1943
Presbyterian Health Insurance Society
Presbyterians and the Irish Language - an article by Jim Stothers