An exhibition telling the story of Presbyterian involvement in West Belfast through the story of one of its former congregations, Albert Street
in St Comgall’s on Divis Street, Belfast BT12 4AQ
on 9th-12th August 2023 from 9.30 am-4.30 pm.
(On the G1 Glider route.)
Exhibition and Events are free. Booking is not required.
Other related events
Wednesday 9th August
11.00 am Opening of the Exhibition by the Rt Rev Dr Sam Mawhinney, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland
2.00 pm "A personal reflection on Irish and Scots Gaelic in Scottish Presbyterianism" by the Rev Willie John Macdonald.
Thursday 10th August
10.00 am Book Launch by Very Rev Dr David Bruce, former Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland:
Oidhreacht Phreisbitéireach: Ag tabhairt abhaile í. Presbyterian Heritage: Bringing it Back home.
2.00 pm "Presbyterians: What they do and why they do it" by the Rev David Moore.
Friday 11th August
11.00 am "So much a part of us": Talk on the history of Albert Street Presbyterian by the Rev Professor Dr William Addley, retired Union Theological College.
2.00 pm "So much a part of us" Social Event. Former Albert Street members and residents sharing memories and craic.
Saturday 12th August
10.30 am and 1.30 pm "So much a part of us" Walking Tours.
These walking tours begin and end at St Comgall’s, Divis Street, and are a journey of discovery (or for some, rediscovery) to places linked with Presbyterians in West Belfast. Each lasts 1½ and 2 hours. The Rev Jack Lamb, retired from Townsend Street Presbyterian Church on the Shankill Road, is our Tour Guide.
More details are available on the An Tionólann website.
The exhibition “So Much a Part of Us” features within the Féile an Phobail 35 programme.