October 2014

You are browsing the site archives for October 2014.

Recently received for the Library – a new book by Dorothy Arthur … Gravestones are a very important resource for anyone researching their family history or studying families in an area when other documentary sources are non-existant.  You will find […]

October 26th is Reformation Sunday. John Knox and the Queens of Britain This year, the Presbyterian Historical Society (The National Archive of the PC(USA)) commemorates the 500th birthday of John Knox (ca. 1514-1572) by exploring his famous interview with Queen […]

The PHSI Library recently acquired a very large family Bible from Galway Presbyterian Church.  It is the Illustrated Family Bible with original notes by John Kitto and introductions to various Old and New Testament books by the Rev Canon Birks, […]

The next lecture the 2014-15 PHSI Programme – Wednesday 15 October 2014 at 8.00 pm Kilfennan Presbyterian Church, Londonderry Exodus or Exile? A Story of “Porting” across the Foyle The Very Rev Dr Rob Craig View the Kilfennan Presbyterian Church website […]