Saturday, 16 June 2012
9.30 am – Coach departs from Malone Presbyterian Church
- Riverside Reformed Presbyterian Church, Newry – Coffee and Talk
- The Old Meeting House, Newry – Tour of Cemetery & Ruins and Talk
- First Presbyterian (Non-Subscribing) Church, Newry – Tour and Talk
- First Newry (Sandys Street) Presbyterian Church – Lunch
- Downshire Road Presbyterian Church – Talk
- Markethill Presbyterian Church – Talk
- Mountnorris Presbyterian Church – Talk
- High Tea
8.00 pm – Coach due back at Malone Presbyterian Church
Cost - £30 for the 'Coach and Meals' option, £20 for the 'Meals Only' option.
For booking of places on the Field Trip or any related enquiries - contact
The Librarian, PHSI, 26 College Green, Belfast BT7 1LN,
or by email to
or by telephone on 028 9072 7330.