Volume 36 (2012) of The Bulletin of the Presbyterian Historical Society of Ireland has been published.
- Thomas Sinclair, Home Rule and Covenant
- by David A. Murphy - The Abolition Church: The Covenanters and the fight against slavery in nineteenth century America
- by Dr. W. J. Roulston - The Godly Young Minister of York Street
- by Rev. Dr. W. M. Smyth
Book Reviews
- John Lockington: Robert Blair of Bangor
- Joseph Thompson: James Morgan DD
- The Covenanters in Ireland: a History of the Congregations
- John W. Fleck: A History of the Clonaneese Presbyterian Churches 1728-2010
- William J. Roulston: Three Centuries of Life in a Tyrone Parish: A history of Donagheady from 1600 to 1900
- John W. Lockington: A History of Clogherney Presbyterian Church
New Publications
- Robert Blair of Bangor with introduction by J. W. Lockington
- James Morgan DD by Joseph Thompson
- Presbyterian Origins in Ulster by A. F. S. Pearson
Library Corner
- The Magazines of the Churches in the Presbyterian Historical Society,
introduction with index by Joseph Thompson, to Irish Presbyterian Periodicals by Professor John M. Barkley.
Members entitled to a copy of the Bulletin should receive it shortly.
Enquiries about purchasing The Bulletin may be made to the Librarian by email phsilibrarian@pcinet.org or by telephone 028 9072 7330.