- On the Move
by Very Rev. A. W. G. Brown, PhD - The Potato Famine in Maghera
by Rev. S. S. McFarland, BA - The Roundabout of Words - W R Rodgers, Poet, Preacher and Producer
by Rev. R. S. Tosh, PhD
Book Reviews
- A W G Brown: The Rev. W. J. McCaughan and the Kelvin Hotel Fire
- George L Gillespie: Children's Church: Craigyhill Presbyterian Church 1956-2006
- John Calvin 1509-1564: Reflections on a Reformer
- Mervyn D Gilmour: Armagh Road Presbyterian Church 1868-2009
- Joseph Thompson: The 1859 Revival with particular reference to Baptist Churches in Ireland
- Steven Smyrl: Dictionary of Dublin Dissent - Protestant Dissenting Meeting Houses 1660-1920
Recent Publications
- The Rev. W. J. McCaughan and the Kelvin Hotel Fire by A W G Brown
- Johnston of Tullylish by J W Lockington
- Irish Presbyterian Church 1623-1670 by Patrick Adair
- Radicals and Revivals by Ivor F Smith
- Fasti of Seceder Ministers ordained or installed in Ireland 1746-1948
- Times Passing - A Centenary of the Presbyterian Historical Society of Ireland by Joseph Thompson
Library Corner
- An Early Fasti by Joseph Thompson
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